+372 56 21 1146 info@agilecoach.ee

Consultation Case Study

Help at any moment

Course of the project

The client needed advice on specific topics related to web applications, web technologies, agile development, project management, etc. We met with the client on a need-based basis and discussed the topics – during which I shared experiences from other projects (of course maintaining confidentiality), industry best practices, market conditions, trends, etc.

The consultation service can last for anywhere between 1 week to several years, depending on the client’s wish. We will only meet (or have a video chat) if the client has a specific problem that I can help with. It is a great pleasure to work with loyal customers who I am able to help from time to time.

My time allocation: as needed.

Agile team in trouble

Scrum Master

Public sector tender

Business Analysis

The project is stuck


Involving an expert


Junior project manager


Help at any moment


Tooteomaniku koolitus 23-24.apr Tallinnas

Koolitus annab põhjalikud teadmised ja oskused Product Owneri (ehk tooteomaniku) rollis töötamiseks.

Koolitus sobib ka Scrum Product Owner sertifikaadi eksami ettevalmistuseks.

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