+372 56 21 1146 info@agilecoach.ee

Case Study

Involving an expert

Course of the project

The client was about to start a software project with a software development company with whom he had no previous experience of cooperation. The client had an exact vision of the expected web solution, but the organization lacked an architect with deeper web knowledge.
The client involved me right from the start of the project as an independent expert to assist with current issues, evaluate the entire development process and help mitigate project risks.

My time allocation: 2h per week for 6 months or ca. 50h

Agile team in trouble

Scrum Master

Public sector tender

Business Analysis

The project is stuck


Involving an expert


Junior project manager


Help at any moment


Tooteomaniku koolitus 23-24.apr Tallinnas

Koolitus annab põhjalikud teadmised ja oskused Product Owneri (ehk tooteomaniku) rollis töötamiseks.

Koolitus sobib ka Scrum Product Owner sertifikaadi eksami ettevalmistuseks.

Vaata rohkem infot koolituse kohta

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