+372 56 21 1146 info@agilecoach.ee


First consultation is free of charge

Working language is English or Estonian.

Agile Coach, Scrum Master

An Agile Coach / Scrum Master brings experience and techniques to the development team. Every agile team needs a Scrum Master who advises, mentors, and coaches team members. The team can be freshly assembled with little experience in agility or already experienced and looking to take their efficiency to the next level.

A successful Agile Coach works on a particular team for 3-4 months and after that is no longer needed by the team.

What are the differences between a Scrum Master and Agile Coach? What is the role of an Agile Coach?

Business Analysis

Business analysis, or Discovery, is the initial phase of a project; defining business objectives,success metrics, target audiences and markets, requirements, project risks and mitigation measures, the business model, concept, MVP or development scope, development plan, etc.

Business analysis is the input to the service design phase; creating a customer journey map, service blueprint, prototype, etc.

The analysis is completed in joint workshops with the client and usually takes 2-4 weeks.

Procurement of the website/mobile app

I offer the IT expertise required to procure a website or mobile application. I assist in the preparation of procurement documents and advise on the selection of evaluation criteria. I help to write a technical specification that would meet the client’s business needs and the requirements of modern web solutions. I will help to assess whether the planned scope, schedule and budget are realistic considering today’s market situation and sufficient number of competent tenderers will be attracted. I share background information about the market situation and development companies in Estonia.


In the audit, I will provide an independent evaluation of a web solution that has been completed or is underway. I help the parties out of a situation where the development project has stalled and the parties are no longer able to reach a common understanding. I map the situation and suggest possible solution scenarios.

I offer clients a development project supervision service, providing ongoing advice on issues that need to be addressed.


For the best results, a mentor and mentee collaboration should last at least 3 months, ideally for half a year. In the beginning of the mentoring program, we agree on goals, metrics, and a session plan. Regular sessions usually take place once a week or bi-weekly. In the middle of the program, we do a check-up session to evaluate our progress, and at the end,  a feedback retrospective.


I advise on issues that arise in digital development projects, help organize various workshops, develop strategies, and set goals.

I am a problem solver by nature and will help find solutions to difficult situations, grasp the big picture, assess possible risks, and ask the right questions.


I give various trainings for smaller groups – overview of the agile development methodology and related frameworks (Scrum, Kanban), Product Owner training, Scrum Master training, etc.

As I do not have a Scrum Trainer license right now, I do not conduct formal Scrum Master certification training.

Tooteomaniku koolitus 23-24.apr Tallinnas

Koolitus annab põhjalikud teadmised ja oskused Product Owneri (ehk tooteomaniku) rollis töötamiseks.

Koolitus sobib ka Scrum Product Owner sertifikaadi eksami ettevalmistuseks.

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